Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Why do profitable businesses (which shell out large amounts of money on CSR) need learning and skills development specialists on board?

In the words of a leading learning and skills development company in India, “Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, launched in isolation, not only amount to overhead expenses, but also make it difficult to quantify impact of the CSR programmes, thus promoting distrust amongst stakeholders and further eroding the brand value of the organization.”

It’s therefore important that corporate social responsibility is gelled well with the business imperatives of the corporates. Many corporates find it difficult and look for some specialists. This is exactly where corporate social responsibility companies come into the scene!

A professional corporate social responsibility company in India helps corporates to understand the inside out of the CSR and how they can easily and effectively integrate CSR into their business imperatives and thus make the most out of their CSR spending.

Whether you are a telecom giant or an insurance provider, or an automobile company, you can leverage the expertise of a learning and skills development partner to spend wisely on CSR programmes and quantify the impact of those programmes.

Corporate social responsibility companies will help you throughout the process: from the formation of the CSR strategy to its integration into the business imperatives, to its successful execution. From global brands to PSUs, many companies have got into strategic partnerships with leading learning and skills development companies.

Under these programmes, these corporate social responsibility companies train youth from the unprivileged and economically weaker sections of the society; apart from this, they also invest in education, skill development, gender equality, women empowerment and employment creation.

Now if you too feel like giving edge to your CSR initiatives, partner with a leading learning and skills development company that has good experience in CSR implementation, monitoring and execution.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Agriculture holds the key to a Transformed Africa

Agriculture had been one of the most neglected sectors in Africa. For long, it struggled on account of absence of supportive policies and frameworks, and lack of skilled manpower. Though it is the major earning source for over 65 percent of labour force in Africa, the sector really couldn’t grow to its potential. However, the overall scenario has now begun to improve.

African governments have come to realize the mammoth potential that the sector holds and are partnering with the private players to uplift the sector through various programs and schemes. Agriculture sales training in Kenya is one fine example of training programs that have been developed to boost the productivity of farm agents and seed distributors, and thus will impact the entire value chain of agriculture sector.

The agriculture training in Africa is provided by several end-to-end learning providers, which possess the inside out knowledge of the sector and have the infrastructure to reach out to those working directly and indirectly for the agriculture sector.

As per the figures available:
Africa holds 50 per cent of the world’s remaining uncultivated land in the world
By 2030, the size of the agriculture sector in Africa would reach $1 trillion (as per the World Bank’s estimates)

Agriculture is the 3rd fastest growing sector in Africa, followed by Resources, Wholesale & Retail
To ensure a sustained development in the sector, the governments of African countries must stick to agriculture friendly policies and engage with the training specialists who develop programs, such as agriculture sales training in Kenya, which can impact the entire value chain of Agriculture sector.

For more on Africa’s agriculture sector or vocational education in Africa, read our other blog posts.