Build a confident sales force
Confidence shows up in the very way your sales force approaches customers and handles their queries and complaints. And this confidence stems from good dressing style, personal hygiene, deep knowledge about the product, and willingness to go the extra mile for the customers.
Be with them through thick and thin
You lead the team and your job is to get the most out of them. It’s okay. But keep reminding yourself that you are dealing with human beings and not machines. There would be days when a sales person would not be able to sell a single product despite all his or her efforts; those would be the days when he or she would need your support the most. So be there for your team and they will never let you down.
Training is the key to success in sales
A well-structured training program can make all the difference to your team’s sales performance. Arrange behavioural, product, and sales and distribution management training programs for your team. Training does not cost much both time and money wise, but it yields great results.
Take the tough decision
See in the end, it’s all business. Each one of you has to justify your existence. So if a member is not showing improvement despite all required support, you need to speak and tell him or her possible repercussions if he or she does not show results in a given time frame.
There’s more to building a more productive team. We’ll share all that in our coming posts. You can also check out our published posts to know more about sales & distribution management and skill development training programs.