Monday, 7 September 2015

5 practices of an influential leader

Who doesn’t want to be an influential leader? But, leadership isn’t a quality that you can learn overnight – you got to put in years practicing the art of leadership and continue to refine it till it becomes an inseparable part of your personality. Herein this post, we’ll walk you through 5 practices of world’s top influential leaders – and we hope you learn something valuable here about leadership. 

Exude a positive outlook
We know it’s tough to be positive every day when you go to office and get into situations when you want to shout at the top of your lungs – but this practice of having a positive outlook and disposition towards anything that life throws at you is what differentiates an influential leader from a regular, average leader.

To begin with, you should be excited about going to work every day, even though you’re neck deep in work and have deadlines to meet which seem impossible to meet. Just be excited, greet your colleagues with a smile, and your customers and vendors with a wider smile. Do this for a couple of days – soon you’ll see a nice change in yourself and the way people around you approach and interact with you.

Be assertive 
Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive – this is one of the skills you get to learn in influential training programs. By being assertive, you can achieve whatever you want out of people you work with, without offending or insulting them. When you are assertive, you share the vision with the people and make them part of the success that you’ve thought about.

Think Logically
Influential leaders are those who take decisions without being biased – when conflict arises, influential leaders listen to all the parties involved and reach the decisions based on facts, without taking any side.

Be involved

Influential leaders do not just delegate work and responsibilities and oversee from sidelines – influential leaders get involved in whatever excites them. They get involved, show results, and thus influence.

Be open minded
This is an important quality of influential leaders – they’re receptive towards ideas and changes. They aren’t rigid in their approach and attentively listen to constructive criticism.

There’s more to influence trainers and training – if you’re someone who wishes to hone his/her leadership qualities, get in touch with a respected sales training consultancy / leadership consultancy company.

In our next posts, we’re planning to write down on sales training, leadership training, and how to select a sales training consultancy. If you’re excited about all this, see us regularly so that you don’t miss out on anything important.